Questions from Basic General Knowledge

1721. Who was the ruler of Chittor, when Alauddin Khilji attacked and conquered it in 1303 A.D. ?

Rana Ratan Singh

1722. Which newspaper was published in Bengali language?


1723. Who is the author of “ Kaalam”?

M.T.Vasudevan Nair

1724. During the reign of emperor was the artillery most perfect and numerous?


1725. One astronomical unit is the average distance between which bodies?

Earth and the Sun

1726. Who was the ruler of Chittor, when Alauddin Khilji attacked and conquered it in 1303 A.D.?

Rana Ratan Singh

1727. Who is considered as the father of the nation of Venezuela?

Simon Bolivor

1728. Who said, "Child is the father of Man"?

William Wordsworth

1729. Who is the author of the work Odayilninnu in 1942?


1730. An Indian born American biochemist; won Nobel Prize in 1968 for making artificial gene. Who is he ?

Har Gobind Khorana


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