Questions from Basic General Knowledge

1721. Why does the velocity of rain drop attain constant value?

Viscous force exerted by air

1722. Largest and Longest bone in a man ?

Femur (thigh bone)

1723. Who was the ruling king of France when the revolution broke out (1774-1792)?

Louis XVI

1724. When is World Intellectual Property Day; recognized by the UN is observed?


1725. Which king of England was dethroned through the Bloodless Revolution ?

James II

1726. The scientific name of Rubber is?

Hevea brasiliensis

1727. Pollination by birds is called?


1728. Which elements is most abundant in the earth"s crust?


1729. Who is the author of “Persuasion”?

Jane Austen

1730. ‘Modern utility theory’ was formulated by?



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