Questions from Basic General Knowledge

1621. What is the name of the first cloned cat?

Carbon copy ( in 2001; at Texas)

1622. Who is the author of “ Rathrikal”?

Dr.Ayyappa Panicker

1623. What is the effect of overseretion of hormone from pituitary gland?

Increase growth in lenght

1624. What will be the shortest day in Australia?


1625. In which hemisphere does India lie?

Northern and eastern

1626. ….is an economy in which there are economic activities between domestic community and outside?

Open economy

1627. Which is the source of information about early Vedic period?


1628. In which activity percentage share of cooperative sector is the highest?

Sugar production

1629. Which harmful element tobacoo exists in tobacoo?


1630. Who is the author of Yashodhara ?

Maithili Sharan Gupt


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