Questions from Basic General Knowledge

12371. Who is the author of “Geeta Govind”?

Jaya Dev

12372. Opium is extracted from the immature fruits of the whichplant ?

Poppy (Papaver somniferum)

12373. Lakshadweep Islands are the product of which creature?

Reef formation

12374. Who was the founder of Boys Scout and Civil Guide?

Baden Powell

12375. Who is the author of “Letter from Peking”?

Pearl S Buck

12376. Total number of members countries of G-15 are?


12377. Who is known as the 'Liberator'?

Simon Bolivor

12378. Which is the largest lake in Africa?

Lake Victoria

12379. Which is the busiest oceanic trade route?

North Atlantic route

12380. What does a hygrometer measure ?



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