Questions from Basic General Knowledge

1131. In which year was Tax collection of Central govt. lowest as compare to G.D.P.?


1132. The most densely populated country in the world is?


1133. Who is the author of “ The Glass Palace”?

Amitav Ghosh

1134. If you want to visit sambhar lake, to which state you will go?


1135. In which language did Buddha preach?


1136. Who discovered Smallpox Vaccine (1796)?

Edward Jenner

1137. Anglicanism was led in England by ?

King Henry VlII and Queen Elizabeth

1138. Mallika Sarabhi is associated with which field?

Classical dance

1139. In which country Alexander founded the city of Alexandria?


1140. By whom was first women"s university in India was founded?

Dhondo Keshave Karve


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