Questions from Basic General Knowledge

10831. Siesmograph was invented by?

The Chinese

10832. Which temple got the name of Black Pagoda?

Sun Temple

10833. Which is the compound in that oxygen shows + oxidation state?


10834. The Eiffel Tower was built in 1888 by?

Gaustave Eiffel a Russian belonged to the Salvonic race

10835. Who is the author of “PavamManavahridayam”?


10836. In which cotu does World"s highest urban density of population occurs?


10837. Largest Salt Water Lake?

Caspian Sea

10838. Who is the author of “Intruder in the Dust”?

William Faulkner

10839. Who is the author of lstanbal : Memoirs of a city?

Orhan Pamuk

10840. In which country; has maximum damage to the forest been caused by acid rain?



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