Questions from Basic General Knowledge

10071. By whom was the first weekly Bengali newspaper ‘Samachar Darpan’ published?


10072. Which pair does not contain a coinage metal?

Zinc and Gold

10073. With which period do we associate the 'microlith' implements?


10074. What is distance between the Earth and the Sun (in million kms.)?


10075. Independent alternation of generation is found in which plant?


10076. By whom is Agricultural Income Tax assigned to the State Governments?

By the Constitution of India

10077. Who is the author of Othello ?

William Shakespeare

10078. What is the plane of contact of the troposphere and stratosphere?


10079. Who is the author of “Two Women”?

Alberto Moravia

10080. In India, which type of forest occupy the largest area?

Tropical Moist Deciduous Forest


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