Questions from Basic General Knowledge

941. How many member states are in ‘Common Market’ for Eastern and Southern Africa?


942. Which flim was made by Satyajit Ray for Children?

Sonar Killa

943. In our houses we get 220 V A. C What does the value 220 represent?

Effective voltage

944. In which place was Asia’s first Export Processing Zone (EPZ) set up?


945. How does Transfer of heat energy from the sun to the moon take place?

By radiation only

946. When was Lake Chad Basin Commission founded?

22nd May; 1964

947. Who is the author of “Najma Heptullah”?

Journey of a Legend

948. In which organ of the human body are the lymphocyte cells formed?


949. City of Eternal Springs?

Quito (S.America)

950. Which cytoplasmic organelles are treated as prokaryotic cells within the eukaryotic cells?



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