Questions from Basic General Knowledge

941. Who is the author of Decline of the West ?

O. Spengler

942. Greek civilization was also known as ?

Hellenistic Civilization

943. Which electromagnetic wave has the longest wavelength?

Gamma rays

944. Mercury thermometers can be used to measure temperature up to how many °C?


945. First man to climb Mount Everest without Oxygen?

Phu Dorjee

946. In fireworks; how is the green flame produced?

Because of barium

947. Why are In the northern hemisphere; currents deflected to their right?

Due to coriolis force

948. Which region of the world is called” the bread basket of the world?

Temperate grassland

949. Insects which feed on waste material such as dead bodies; debris etc are called?


950. Who is the author of “Viswarupam”?

Lalitham bika Antharjenam


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