Questions from Basic General Knowledge

731. Who is the author of “ B.A.Mayavi”?

E.Y.Krishana Pillai

732. Who was the Hindu saint to have as disciple both Hindus and Muslims?

Sri Chaitanya

733. During the Sangam Age, Uraiyur was the capital of which rular?


734. The famous writer 'Mali' Madhavan Nair was a champion of which sport?


735. Who is the author of Emperor Jones (Drama)?

Eugine O'Neil

736. Who is the author of Rubaiyati-Omar Khayyam ?

Edward Fitzgerald

737. In acronym SAARC, ‘C’ stands for which word?


738. What is the name of India"s highest award which is given to a civilian?

Bharat Ratna

739. In India, where did the Dutch establish their earliest factory?


740. Which is the birth place of Guru Gobind Singh?



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