Questions from Basic General Knowledge

6391. Who was the First Keralite Athlete to participate in Olympics?

Suresh Babu

6392. Who modified the Old Calendar which had only 355 days; and introduced a New Calendar ?

Julius Caesar (Julian Calendar)

6393. Lichenology is the study of ?

The study of lichens

6394. After howmany years is the President of USA is elected?

4 years

6395. Who was the founder of Boys Scout and Civil Guide?

Baden Powell

6396. Who is the author of Grammar of Politics?

Harold Laski

6397. Largest in Population?

China followed by India

6398. Who is the author of Death in Venice ?

Thomas Mann

6399. Who is to conduct the elections to the Panchayats and Municipalities?

State Election Commission

6400. Alexander died at the age of 33 in 323 BC at ?



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