5461. Leukaemia or blood cancer is characterised by abnormal increase of which cells?
White blood cells
5462. The term ‘Granary of the world’ is related to which type?
5463. Which territory was outside the boundaries of the Mughal Empire during the reign of Akbar?
5464. The Laxman Era was started (in 1119 AD) by which dynasty?
5465. Name the first American Lady who advocated for the rights of women is?
Abey Gale Smith (Wife of John Adams)
5466. The Raja's court of appeal was reconstituted as the Chief Court of Cochin in?
5467. The electronic record for recording of electric variations that occur during contraction of muscles of heart is?
ECG (Electro Cardio Gram)
5468. Name the only disease totally eradicated in 1980 throughout the world by vaccination ?
Small pox
5469. Which is the only place in Kerala where "Uru" s (Arabian Trading Vessel) are made?
5470. Why is Sher Shah is well known for his administrative skill,?
Land revenue system