Questions from Basic General Knowledge

3621. Who is the author of “ Chameen “?

Thakazhi Siva Sankara Pillai

3622. Trunk of tree increases in grith due to cell division in which tissue?

Meristematic tissue

3623. Who is the creator of the famous characters “Brutus; Claudius; Cleopatra”


3624. When was ‘Common Market for Eastern and Southern African (COMESA) formed?


3625. Under which Article of the Constitution is the President’s rule promulgated on any State in India?


3626. Which was a novelty in Shah Jahan’s buildings?

Makrana marble

3627. The Currency of Bahrain?

Bahrain Dinar

3628. How can fertility of soil be improved?

By adding living earthworms

3629. Where is the national institute of nutrition located?


3630. What is the product of the time period of a wave and its frequency?



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