Questions from Basic General Knowledge

2701. Megasthenese was the Ambassador of which rular?

Seleucus Nikator

2702. Name the first American President who was the son of a former president?

John Kwinsy Adams

2703. In which state has India’s largest private sector sea port been commissioned recently?

Andhra Pradesh

2704. Which ruler was known as Amitraghata, the 'destroyer of foes' ?


2705. Who is the Father of Super Computer?

Symur Cray

2706. Paris is on the bank of which River?


2707. "A House for Mr. Biswas" is a book authored by?

V.S. Naipaul

2708. Who is the author of All the Presidents Men. ?

Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward

2709. Indian Institute of Agricultural Research Institute is located at?

New Delhi.

2710. What is Sagar Samrat’?

A drilling ship in Bombay High


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