Questions from Basic General Knowledge

1411. At a grid sub stations the voltage is stepped up to reduce loss of which thing?


1412. What is the distance between popping crease and stumps on cricket pitch?

3 1⁄2 ft

1413. Myxoedema is disorder produed due to hypersecretion of which gland?


1414. Malayali Memorial(Travancore) was in ?


1415. The Governor General of Fort William became the Governor General of India under which Charter Act?– ?


1416. Mughal dynasty was to Bahadur Shah Zafar-as what was Lodi dynasty to?

Ibrahim Lodi

1417. Which states is the leading producer of tea?


1418. Indian Institute of Public Administration is located at?

New Delhi.

1419. For howmany months is the President’s rule imposed?

6 months

1420. Dance form in Mexico is known as ?

Jarabe Tapatio


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