Questions from Basic General Knowledge

10481. In Travancore who introduced the direct management of Devaswams by Government ?

Col. Monro.

10482. The first Commonwealth Games were held in the year 1930 at which place?

Hamilton (Canade)

10483. Who is the author of “ Tharishunilam”?

Madhavikutty (Kamala Surayya)

10484. The largest human cell is ?


10485. Why is Louise Brown - born 1978 famous?

First test tube baby

10486. Which is poorest state in India?


10487. Who is the inventor of Atomic Structure?

Bohr & Rutherford

10488. Egyptian civilisation flourished on the banks of ?

Nile river

10489. What is the main objective of Antyodaya programme?

Uplift the poor

10490. Seismic Research Centre is located at?

Gaurividanur near Bangalore (Karnataka).


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